For adults, periodontal (gum) diseases, not tooth decay, are the major cause of tooth loss. Perio- dontal diseases are caused by bacterial infections that attack gums, ligaments and bone. Often painless, these diseases may develop slowly or progress quite rapidly, and can occur at any age.
Locally Founded
All Smiles Family Dentistry specializes in a variety of dental services to fit your oral health requirements. We are locally founded with 5 locations to better service your dental needs. From Palm Beach Gardens to Vero Beach, we got you covered!
Dr. Rankin and Dr. Hickey began All Smiles Dentistry shortly after they met in 2007. With a shared vision of clinical excellence and an employee-centered culture, All Smiles Dentistry quickly grew into 5 locations serving most of the Treasure Coast. All Smiles dentistry prides itself on being locally founded for over 10 years.